Thursday, November 09, 2006

What we are working on right now

Tag syndication is sorta working. It's up on the site but I will be making changes on a near daily basis so it's likely to break at a moments notice. If you want to see an example of Tag Syndication (or TagOut as it's called internally) simply look on the right hand side of this blog. There you will find a Google Adsense style ad with everything tagged at Early Miser tagged with Stem Cells. Soon you will be able to export your own feeds to your own sites and share the products you have tagged and feed you have created. It works right now on items that are tagged on the site generally. So when you generate an "Advertisement" as it is now call you can select multiple tags to display products there. If there are more than 4 products in the feed it will rotate between the items. For example the Stem Cells feed has something like 100 or so items (it changes weekly based on adding more items). Early Miser rotates through those items when the page is displayed.

We are finishing up this item by early to middle of next week. So what have we been doing in the mean time? Well as much as I like custom product RSS feeds it's clear that most people are having difficulty with the concept. So to make things easy we are implementing direct product tagging. Every product will have a box that will allow you to tag the item on the fly or while browsing the catalog. We will be using AJAX to update the tags in real time on a product so if you are looking at a product and tags start appearing then someone somewhere is tagging that product. Additionally we will be implementing User Tag clouds in the latest release, so look for this towards the middle of next week.

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