In a previous post I covered one the basic concepts behind Early Miser the product RSS Feeds. Now I am going to cover how to use custom RSS feeds. Custom rss feeds are ones you build yourself. The best way to think about custom RSS feeds isn't to think about the RSS part at all. Custom feeds at Earlymiser can operate as a grocery list, a want list or stuff tracker. One of the constant applications I see built on Amazon web services is a media tracker (track your DVDs etc). At Early Miser you can not only use it as a media track but you can do it easily. Put all your documentaries in a feed, your music cds in another and tag both feeds as "owned" and you can track everything you own along with tagging it.
So the custom feeds at Early Miser can operate as a nice way of organizing your collection of things that you want or are interested in or perhaps you own.
Custom feeds also have another cool feature - you can set a pricing trigger on a custom feed. Pricing triggers are feature on the site that a lot of people haven't used yet.
You set a pricing trigger in the MyFeed Management. A price trigger allows you to be notified when an item in your feed is has reached a specific trigger. You can set the trigger to a specific dollar amount or to a specific percentage off. This will apply to all items in the feed so if any of them meet the specific condition you set up in the trigger, you will be sent an email.
Here's the pricing trigger page.

Please note you can set the polling interval on the as a day (so it will check every day to see if your conditions are met) week, month, 3 months or 6 months (for those infrequent purchases). This will then send an email when you pricing trigger is met. Looking for the at great deal on group of items - you could put them in a single custom feed (say named 50% off) and then set the pricing trigger for 50%. Once you buy each item you can delete it from the feed.
One more note about custom feeds. They also have an RSS feed associated with them. This feed updates when any product in the feed is updated. PLEASE NOTE right now the system isn't handling special characters well in custom feed names. Please don't use the following characters "& # % + ? / \".
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How to use Early Miser custom RSS feeds
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