If you are finding how copy PS3 games, then you would have already paid many hundreds of dollars replacing lost PS3 game CDs. However, you should read through this article to learn the basics of how copy PS3 games, that's very easy and simple for everyone to copy games to PS3 backups disk.
Any original PS3 games come with heavily copyright protection codes that are made on PS3 disk. The manufacturers made these protection codes to protect it from piracy. In the past, there was no way we could copy PS3 games because these codes. But nowadays, luckily for all gamers around the world, there is specialized software that can break these protection codes enabling us to copy games to PS3 backups and use it instead of the original.
So the first step of how copy PS3 games and copy games to PS3 backups are selecting the right software. Buy software that is suitable for your game console from an authorized dealer. It is advisable to obtain software that comes with a money-back guaranty so that you can return it if it does not work for your games. Most software products come with a step-by-step tutorial which is easy to follow.
The second step, you have to install copy software on your computer that has DVD burner. Make sure that your computer has free space on its memory to enable this process faster. After that, open the program and insert the original game to copy all its files.
The third step to copy games to PS3 backups is to insert a blank CD or DVD and the program will start the burning process. Once this is done, you are in possession of a perfect duplicate of your original video game CD.
From my experience, I would like to recommend you to use one of 4 programs, such are "Game Copy Wizard", "Copy That Game", "HomebreWare" and "Easy Backup Wizard". These 4 programs are very popular and you can easily buy them from "Clickbank" website that has money-back guaranty policy if you don't satisfy on them.
You can read more information by Click Here! I collect them all and you can compare their difference. Don't wait until the next scratch occurs on your original PS3 games, buy a software and start to make PS3 backups now, its cost's just .99-.00 and you will happy with this how copy PS3 games method.
Losing your favorite PS3 Game is very bad. However, if you have the backup disc, the original disc will be with you forever. You can make the backup of your favorite game disc with the How to Copy PS3 Games Yourself, that is the reliable copy software you can use easily. Read more: How to Copy Games Yourself.
Article from articlesbase.com
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