Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yahoo - What are they thinking?

With all the online buzz and interest Early Miser has been getting I submitted it to the Yahoo Directory. It seemed only natural since it was awarded an Editor's Pick over at Yahoo Gallery. You can vote for the Earlymiser at Yahoo Gallery.

I then got this email from Yahoo (9 business days after submission, not the required seven business days)

Dear Yahoo! Directory Submit Client,

Yahoo! has reviewed the URL you submitted for expedited review


with Yahoo! Directory Submit order ##########. We're sorry to report that we've decided not to include your site in the Yahoo! Directory at this time. We base our evaluation of each site solely on the content it has on the site at the time of evaluation. When we reviewed your site today, we found that it did not have enough content to support a listing through the Yahoo! Directory Submit program.

Needless to say I was aghast and took a look at what they recently approved in the my category.


And the new site is

Costhelper is literally 38 - 200 word articles with Adsense attached. Would you tell me how on God's green earth that got in the directory under Shopping Agents?

Want an example?


That's the "Shopping Agent" in action. I poll 4 seperate web APIs in real time to bring the lowest price on a product in the United States - that's why the guys over at Web service made it an editor's pick. Costhelper.com shouldn't be in the directory - yet I am the one lacking content? No one else on the planet does what I do and yet I don't belong in the directory?

I am guessing it's because I keep my customers informed at this blog about changes to the api or minor corrections. Well that's never going to change - I am always going to keep my customers in the loop about changes. And I am always working to make the site better and here's another hint guys - I am always going to be announcing bugs, changes etc here.

I guess I am upset about not getting in the directory. I also guess I am angry that some static article directory is in my category. I am also upset that Yahoo didn't respond within the guaranteed 7 business day window. I applied on the 13th and got a response today, the 28th - even with 2 days for Thanksgiving that is 9 days guys. I guess Yahoo must be planning on introducing some of my features. I guess they can't take the competition. I appealed the decision pointing out "CostHelper.com" and the Gallery Editor's Pick. Knowing Yahoo however, I am sure they will CYA. Here's a hint guys to use the social networking features - you gotta create an account.


ADN said...

The Yahoo non-guaranteed directory is a bit of a gamble. Sorry to hear that you didn't make it. Not surprised though, Yahoo is going down hill fast. I am sure you are still listed in their organic search though. According to Alexa.com, your site does get a bit of traffic, not MySpace volume of traffic, but I would think you are still getting 500-1000 visits per day, globally.
You may also want to update your Alexa.com information ;

Brian said...

I was shocked especially after seeing what they approved - the costhelper.com site is a joke! I love how the web services guys were excited about the site.

Keep in mind I launched this site a month ago and just showed it to some friends. The organic response has been nice.

You mean update my contact information at alexa.com for the site - Good idea!

I plan on disputing the Yahoo charge as the review if I don't get in because the review didn't occur in the 7 day window.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian,

While you understandably have strong feelings about your work at EarlyMiser.com, so do the writing and engineering teams at CostHelper.com. We are sincerely dedicated to providing useful and practical information for our readers, and I don't think the website -- and our team's dedicated and sincere efforts -- deserve to be called "a joke.”

In your blog, you state that "Costhelper is literally 38-200 word articles with Adsense attached." However, the article that you provide as an example, How Much Does Health Insurance Cost, is significantly longer (365 words) than the range you list (38-200 words). The fact is that CostHelper.com provides far more content -- which has been professionally researched and written -- than you indicate.

CostHelper.com provides information about a variety of consumer topics, such as buying an infant's high chair, getting botox treatments, or having asbestos removed from your home. Our writers include experienced newspaper journalists who work diligently to provide the most helpful and objective information they can.

While I can empathize with the hopes that can be attached to a listing in the Yahoo! Directory, I think it's unfortunate that you decided to voice negative and often inaccurate statements about CostHelper.com.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further, please feel free to contact me directly edlee@costhelper.com.

Thank you,
Ed Lee

Brian said...

No offense to costhelp.com but you do not belong in the Shopping Agents category at Yahoo. I was doing a rough count of the articles (38 at a quick glance) and the average number of words. The simple fact that some of the articles might have 400 words doesn't matter too much - You don't have a shopping agent. You have researched certain topics with relatively expensive Google Adsense ads and written short articles on each.

You are listed in the Shopping Agents category at Yahoo - typically shopping agents are defined as more than simply static HTML articles.

As you state here,
"Our writers include experienced newspaper journalists who work diligently to provide the most helpful and objective information they can."

And I am sure they do however in no way does that site belong in the Shopping Agents at Yahoo (It may well belong in an anot. It's a static web site that has articles on it. Now if you pulled life insurance quotes in real time from multiple providers that would be a shopping agent.

Earlymiser.com isn't dependent on Yahoo at all. In fact I did it on a lark so I am not to concerned as I said before I am sure Yahoo has their own plans in the social commerce space

Costhelper.com is a collection of articles written about high value Adsense keywords. While this content is certainly of higher value than I have seen on other such sites - it really doesn't belong in the Shopping Agents category at Yahoo. If you feel this inaccurate well okay. It looks pretty accurate to me. And perhaps I shouldn't have said your site was a joke. Your listing in that category is a joke.

Unknown said...

I have given up on trying to get listed in places like Yahoo and DMOZ as like you say there is not much rhyme or reason as to what they will list. EarlyMiser.com is a great take on a price comparison site with extra added bonus features that I wish I had thought of.

I have a UK price comparison site that is a pretty usual one, with the dreaded adsense ads included..but I dont get listed anywhere, even though despite the google ads, I deliver a reasonable comparison service to find products in various ways at prices that are good for you. Which involves quite a bit of work and like you say, sometimes its a bit infuriating when you dont get listed somewhere you see sites that dont offer such services.

Anyway, best wishes on your site I like it alot...bookmarked for future reference!